TRANSMIT: Semi-transparent micro-striped thin-film photovoltaics for energy-harvesting windows

Gürsel dino İ. (Uluslararası Proje Ortağı), Derin güre P.

  • Proje Türü: TÜBİTAK Uluslararası Çoklu İşbirliği Projesi
  • Proje Grubu: Mühendislik-Mimarlık
  • Projenin Yürütüldüğü Birim: Rektörlük
  • Başlangıç Tarihi: Ocak 2024
  • Bitiş Tarihi: Ocak 2027


In TRANSMIT, we focus on window aesthetics, solar cell power conversion efficiency as well as societal and environmental impacts. Therefore, we exploit an STPV solution with an improved design and high-efficiency solar cell materials such as CIGS and Perovskite to achieve those goals. Our design philosophy is based on micro-striped solar cells, indistinguishable from the human eye and separated by a fully transparent gap (Figure 1C), rendering a highly transparent aspect (Figure 1D). We aim at fabricating micro-scale STPV devices through spatial segmentation of CIGS at INL, and Perovskites at INSTM. Because CIGS is a mature technology with several strengths, such as proven long-term stability (>25 years), high PCE > 20%, and an established low-cost and large-scale fabrication industry, it is an excellent candidate for STPV. In addition, PSCs have received tremendous attention and are well-positioned as a game-changer in the PV performance race. Currently, there is an enormous effort to push PSC technology from research and development at the lab-scale level to the large-scale industrial level, making PSC also an outstanding contender for STPV. The design philosophy will be the same for both CIGS and Perovskite devices. We aim at 50% average visual transmission (AVT) devices to comply with the end user's lighting needs and visual comfort and reach 8% PCE. Furthermore, all developments will target materials-efficient, sustainable fabrication approaches for technology transfer to industry.